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Witnessing an Accident-目击一起交通事故,Witnessing an Accide

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Witnessing an Accident-目击一起交通事故,Witnessing an Accide


Witnessing an Accident-目击一起交通事故,Witnessing an Accide

  Witnessing an Accident-目击一起交通事故

  At a quarter past seven on the morning of February 8, I was walking along the road to the east. An old man standing on the other side near the city park was going to cross the street. When he was crossing the road, a yellow car ran out of the corner of the Third Street suddenly. The car was so fast that it was hard to stop at the old man. A terrible accident happened,the old man was run over by the car! To our great anger, the car didn't stop but ran away as quickly as possible. Fortunately I noticed the car number. It was AC864. About two minutes later I stopped a car passing by and took the old man to the nearest hospital.

  Li Hua



  On the morning of February 8, I was walking along the park road. An old man near the city park on the other side was going to cross the road.When he almost walked to the middle of the road, a yellow car rushed out of the corner of the Third Street. It suddenly turned right but the old man didn't see it. The car was so fast that it couldn't stop at the moment and ran to the old man. The poor old man was knocked over. The driver saw that but he didn't stop to help the old man. Instead, he drove the car away. I was very angry. I remembered the car number which was AC864. About two minutes later I stopped a car passing by and took the old man to the nearest hospital.

  Li Hua



  Witnessing an Accident-目击一起交通事故

Witnessing an Accident-目击一起交通事故,Witnessing an Accide相关文章:

Witnessing an Accident-目击一起交通事故,Witnessing an Accide

见证一宗交通事故(Eye-witness Account of a Traffic Accident)


高中英语作文:车祸现场An Eye Witness Account of a Traffic



Witnessing an Accident-目击一起交通事故,Witnessing an Accide
